Update Date: August 1, 2023 Effective Date: August 1, 2023 Welcome to use Xlens software products and/or services provided by Anhui Haima Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. Xlens places great importance on the protection of user personal information and will make every effort to ensure the security of your personal information. When you download, install, activate, browse, register, log in, or use (referred to as "use") Xlens and related services, we will collect, store, use, share, disclose, and protect your personal information in accordance with this "Privacy Policy." This policy is closely related to your use of our services. We recommend that you carefully read and understand the entire content of this policy before using our products and/or services. Important content related to your personal information rights is highlighted in bold. You should focus on reading, and only start using after fully understanding and agreeing. If you disagree with any terms in this policy, it may result in Xlens services not functioning properly or not achieving the intended service effects. You should immediately stop accessing/using Xlens services. Once you start or continue to use this software product and/or service, it means you agree to the content of this policy. If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions, you can contact us through the contact information provided in this policy, and we will respond as soon as possible. This privacy policy will help you understand the following: I. Scope of application of this policy II. How we collect and use personal information III. Use of Cookies and similar technologies IV. How we store your personal information V. How we entrust processing, share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information VI. How we protect your personal information VII. Your rights to your personal information VIII. Face data policy IX. Protection terms for minors X. Revision and notification of privacy policy XI. How to contact us XII. Supplementary provisions Appendix I: List of third-party SDKs

I. Scope of application of this policy

This privacy policy applies to all products and/or services provided by us under the Xlens brand. It is important to note that, in order to enhance your user experience, we may access third-party products and/or services provided or developed by third parties with your consent, or link to other third-party websites.You acknowledge and agree that third-party products and/or services or websites are independently provided to you by third parties and are not subject to the constraints of this policy. You should carefully read and understand the relevant terms of third-party products and/or services or websites regarding the protection of user personal information, and we will not be responsible for the personal information protection of third parties. For specific products and/or services, we may formulate separate specialized personal information protection policies, statements, notices, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "specific policies"). If specific policies have specific provisions, please refer to the specific policy. Where specific policies are silent, this policy shall prevail.

II. How We Collect and Use Personal Information

Our business functions rely on certain information to operate. You acknowledge and agree that when you choose to use these business functions, we will collect the following information that you actively provide or that is generated by using our products and/or services:

(一)Help You Complete Registration and Login

When you register, log in to Xlens, and use related services, you can create an account with a mobile phone number. We collect this information to help you complete registration. Collecting the mobile phone number is necessary to fulfill national legal requirements for the online real-name system (verification of real identity information). If you refuse to provide a mobile phone number for registration and login, we may not be able to provide corresponding services. Based on our cooperation with third parties, when you use the "One-Click Login" function, with your consent, we will use your device's mobile phone number as your registration and login account, exempting you from password or dynamic verification, providing you with quick registration and login services. If you do not want to use the "One-Click Login" function, you can register and log in to Xlens through other methods. You can register and log in to Xlens using third-party accounts, but you need to authorize us to obtain information from your third-party platform to generate an Xlens account associated with that third-party account, allowing you to register, log in, and use Xlens and related services directly.

(二)Maintain the Normal Operation of Basic Functions

During your use of our services, to understand the product's adaptability and ensure the network and operational security of Xlens services, and to maintain the normal operation of the above-mentioned basic functions, we may directly or indirectly collect and store information about your use of the service and the way you use it. This information includes: 1. Log Information When you use our services (including running in the background and silent mode), we may automatically collect detailed usage information about our services for network log retention, including your login account, search queries, IP address, telecommunications operator, network environment, language used, access date and time, duration of stay, and release records. Please note that individual log information cannot identify the identity of a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify the identity of a specific natural person or use it in combination with personal information, during the period of combined use, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information. Unless we obtain your authorization or there are other provisions in laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify this type of personal information. During the period of combined use, this information will be processed and protected as your personal information in accordance with this policy. 2. Information Formed by Your Use of Xlens Core Service Functions (1)When you use features such as generating avatars, creating portraits, or other play methods, we will request permissions for photos, cameras, or external storage cards. If you refuse to authorize, you will be unable to use this feature, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions in Xlens. (2)When you save images, you need to provide permissions for photos or external storage cards. If you refuse to authorize, you will be unable to use this feature, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions in Xlens. Please note that the information you upload, publish, or save may contain your personal information or sensitive personal information. Please consider carefully before operating. If the information you upload, publish, or save involves the personal information of others, you should obtain their consent before publishing. 3. Ordering and Payment Information When you order specific services in the Xlens service, we will generate an order for you through the system. We need to collect the following parts or all of the personal information based on the service type, including: transaction service information, transaction amount, order time, order number, order status, payment method, payment status. We collect this information to help you successfully complete transactions, ensure the security of your transactions, query order information, and provide customer service. This type of information is necessary for this function. If you do not provide this type of information, you may not be able to participate in the above activities. 4. Provide Customer Service or Other User Response Functions When you contact our customer service or use other user response functions, we may need you to provide necessary personal information to match and verify your user identity to ensure the security of your account and system. We may also save your contact information (other contact methods used when contacting us or voluntarily provided by you), your communication/call records and content, and other necessary information related to your needs to contact you or help you solve problems, or record the handling solutions and results of related issues. 5. Provide Security Safeguards To enhance the security of your use of services provided by us and our partners, protect the personal and property safety of you, other users, or the public from infringement, better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, and network intrusion security risks, and more accurately identify situations that violate laws, regulations, or Xlens service-related agreement rules, we may collect, use, or integrate your account information, transaction information, device information, log information, and information obtained with your authorization or shared in accordance with the law by our partners, to comprehensively assess the risk of your account and transactions, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary records, audits, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law. 6. Device Permissions To ensure the quality of the services we provide to you, we will request the following system device permissions for your user device. Before applying, we will seek your consent, and you can choose to "Allow" or "Disallow" the permission application. After your authorization, we will enable the relevant permissions. You can revoke the authorization at any time. Revoking the authorization may result in your inability to use related business functions, but it will not affect your normal use of other business functions. The calling situation of device permissions for each function is as follows: ① Camera Permission When you use the shooting business function, we will need to obtain camera permissions for your device and collect the content information (personal information) you provide. We will use the original portrait you actively uploaded as the basis for using artificial intelligence models to generate avatars. This type of information is necessary for providing this service, and we will strictly encrypt this type of information in the collection, transmission, and storage process in accordance with legal requirements to ensure the security of your information. We only provide image processing services, will not extract identifiable information, and will not be used for identification purposes. After the service is completed, the system will automatically delete the above information and will not retain it. When uploading the aforementioned information, we will request your authorization for camera permissions. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, you will be unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of products and/or services. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission authorization on your device. ② Privacy Tracking Permission In the process of using Xlens, to remember your identity, analyze your use of Xlens, and identify you as a user of Xlens, we will need to obtain your privacy tracking permission and collect your device's advertising identifier IDFA. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, it will not affect your normal use of other functions of products and/or services. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission authorization on your device. ③ Photo Permission When you add pictures from your phone album to Xlens for making images, we will need to obtain your device's photo permission and collect the picture information (personal information) in your phone's storage space. We will use the original portrait you actively uploaded as the basis for using artificial intelligence models to generate avatars. This type of information is necessary for providing this service, and we will strictly encrypt this type of information in the collection, transmission, and storage process in accordance with legal requirements to ensure the security of your information. We only provide image processing services, will not extract identifiable information, and will not be used for identification purposes. After the service is completed, the system will automatically delete the above information and will not retain it. When uploading the aforementioned information, we will request your authorization for album permissions. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, you will be unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of products and/or services. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission authorization on your device. ④ External Storage Card Permission We need to read and write data in the device's storage space to ensure the stable operation of Xlens, so that users can read/write/download/save/modify pictures, files, crash logs, and other information when using Xlens. This permission requires your authorization. If you refuse to provide it, it will only make you unable to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of products and/or services. You can refuse when we request authorization or disable this permission authorization on your device. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not specified in this policy or collect additional personal information not mentioned, we will obtain your consent through page prompts, interactive processes, announcements, or other methods in accordance with the law. During this process, you can contact us through the contact information specified in this policy, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

(Three)Cases where Your Authorization Consent is Not Required to Collect and Use Your Personal Information

You fully understand and agree that within the scope permitted by law, we may collect and use your personal information without obtaining your authorization consent in the following situations: ① Related to our fulfillment of obligations stipulated by applicable laws and regulations; ② Directly related to national security and defense security; ③ Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests; ④ Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials, and judgment enforcement; ⑤ Necessary for the protection of the life, health, and property safety of you or other individuals but difficult to obtain the consent of the person; ⑥ The personal information involved is voluntarily disclosed by you to the public; ⑦ Necessary for signing and performing contracts at your request; ⑧ Personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure channels, etc.; ⑨ Conducting news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other activities for public interest, within a reasonable scope, processing personal information; ⑩ Necessary for the stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as discovering, handling content and service faults. Please understand that as our business develops, there may be adjustments and changes to the functions of Xlens and the services provided. In scenarios where there is no direct or reasonable connection with the original purpose, we will inform you again when collecting and using your personal information and obtain your consent.

Three. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used technologies on the internet. When you use Xlens software and related services, we may use relevant technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your visits and usage of this product. We use Cookies and similar technologies primarily to achieve the following functions or services:

(One)Ensure the Security and Efficient Operation of Products and Services

We may set authentication and security Cookies or anonymous identifiers to confirm whether you are securely logged into the service or whether there are illegal activities such as theft and fraud. These technologies also help us improve service efficiency and enhance login and response speeds.

(Two)Help You Get a More Convenient Access Experience

Using such technologies can help you eliminate the steps and processes of repeatedly filling in personal information and frequent logins (implementing a one-click login process, recording image creation history). We promise that we will not use Cookies for any purposes other than those stated in this privacy policy.

Four. How We Store Personal Information

(One)Storage Location

In accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we will store the personal information collected and generated during the operation within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Currently, we will not transfer the above information overseas. If we transfer information overseas, we will comply with the requirements of laws and regulations and seek your explicit consent.

(Two)Storage Period

We only retain your personal information for the necessary period to achieve the purpose of providing Xlens and services. After the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Five. How We Entrust Processing, Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information

(One)Entrusted Processing

In order to provide you with more comprehensive and high-quality products and/or services, we may access SDK or other similar applications provided by third-party service providers for certain functions (such as embedded code, plugin form) to provide you with better customer service and user experience. For companies, organizations, and individuals entrusted with processing your personal information, we will clearly require them in the cooperation agreement to process your personal information only in accordance with our requirements, the provisions of this policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures, and supervise their personal information processing activities. We require them to process personal information in accordance with our requirements, legal regulations, and other measures that ensure the confidentiality and security of personal information. Some third-party SDK or similar applications we access may collect your personal information. When you use such services provided by third parties in our service, you agree that they will directly collect and process your information. You can view Appendix One, "List of Third-Party SDKs," to understand the basic information of the main third-party SDKs we access. The situation of each individual service accessing third-party SDKs may be different. If you want to know the detailed situation of a specific service accessing third-party SDKs, please go to the corresponding third-party service page. The aforementioned third-party services are operated by the respective third parties. Your use of the services provided by these third parties (including any information you provide to them) is subject to the service terms and privacy policies of the third parties (not this policy), and you need to carefully read their terms. This policy applies only to the personal information we collect and does not apply to any services provided by third parties or their information usage rules. If you find risks in these third-party services, it is recommended that you terminate the relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests and promptly contact the third parties.


Unless there is one or more of the following situations, we will not share your personal information with any third-party companies, organizations, and individuals: (1) Obtain your explicit authorization and consent or based on your request; (2) Must be provided according to applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory government requirements or judicial decisions; (3) Needed for national security, defense security, public safety, public health, or major public interests; (4) Needed to protect the major legitimate rights and interests of your life, property, etc.; (5) Sharing with partners: In order to provide you with more comprehensive and high-quality products and/or services, we may share some of your personal information with partners to provide a better user experience. We will only share personal information necessary for providing services for legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes. (6) Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.


In principle, we will not transfer the control of your personal information to other companies, organizations, and individuals, except in the following situations: (1) Obtain your explicit authorization and consent or based on your request; (2) Must be provided according to applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory government requirements or judicial decisions; (3) Needed for national security, defense security, public safety, public health, or major public interests; (4) Needed to protect the major legitimate rights and interests of your life, property, etc.; (5) In the case of mergers, divisions, dissolution, acquisition, or declaration of bankruptcy, if personal information transfer is involved, we will inform you of the name and contact information of the personal information recipient. We will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this personal information protection policy, otherwise, we will require the company or organization to re-solicit your authorization and consent.

IV. Public Disclosure

In principle, we will not disclose your personal information to the public or non-specific individuals, except in the following cases: 1. With your explicit authorization and consent or based on your request; 2. As required by applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory government requests or judicial rulings; 3. Necessary for national security, defense, public safety, public health, or significant public interests; 4. Necessary to protect your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights, such as life and property.

V. Exemptions from Consent for Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of Personal Information under the Law

Please understand that, in the following circumstances, according to laws, regulations, and national standards, we are not required to obtain your authorization and consent for sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing your personal information: 1. Directly related to national security and defense security; 2. Directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests; 3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; 4. Necessary for the protection of your or other individuals' life, property, etc., but difficult to obtain your consent; 5. Personal information you voluntarily made public to the public; 6. Collected personal information from legally disclosed information, including legal news reports, government information disclosure channels.

VI. How We Protect Your Personal Information

1. We highly value the security of your personal information and will make reasonable security measures (including technical and managerial aspects) to protect your personal information, preventing it from being used improperly or accessed, disclosed, used, modified, damaged, lost, or leaked without authorization. 2. We will use encryption technology and anonymization methods, not lower than industry peers, to protect your personal information. We will also use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information. 3. Due to technical limitations and possible malicious means, the internet environment is not 100% secure. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. You are aware and understand that the system and communication networks you use to access our services may encounter problems beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of personal information. 4. We will establish emergency response plans and activate them immediately in the event of a user information security incident, making efforts to prevent the impact and consequences of such incidents from expanding. Once a user information security incident (leakage, loss) occurs, we will promptly inform you of the relevant possibilities, risks, and suggested remedial measures in accordance with legal requirements. We will inform you of the event-related information through push notifications, emails, letters, or SMS. In cases where it is difficult to notify individually, we will use reasonable and effective methods to make announcements. At the same time, we will also report the handling of user information security incidents to the relevant regulatory authorities as required. 5. We hereby specifically remind you that the personal information protection measures provided in this privacy policy only apply to Xlens software and related services. Once you leave Xlens and related services, browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we have no ability and obligation to protect any personal information you submit outside of Xlens software and related services.

VII. Image Data Policy

We specially remind you that when Xlens generates images, it uses artificial intelligence models based on the original portraits you voluntarily uploaded. Therefore, when you use Xlens, we will process the portraits you voluntarily uploaded. This type of information is necessary to provide this service. We will, in accordance with legal requirements, strictly encrypt your information during collection, transmission, and storage to ensure the security of your information. We only provide image processing services, do not extract identifiable information, and do not use it for identification purposes. After the service is completed, the system will automatically delete the aforementioned information and will not retain it. When uploading this information, we will request your authorization for camera, photo album, and other permissions. Refusing to provide the above information may prevent you from using core functions but will not affect the normal use of other functions and services. We will not share your photo data and image information with any third party (except as provided in this agreement), nor will we store any photo information you submit. After the learning process is completed, the photos you uploaded will be deleted.

VIII. Your Rights to Your Personal Information

(I) Access to Your Personal Information

You have the right to access your personal information, except in cases specified by laws and regulations. If you want to exercise the right to access personal information, you can contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.

(II) Correction of Your Personal Information

When you find that the personal information we process about you is updated or incorrect, you can contact us to make corrections through the customer service email service_yuanse@haima.me, or contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.

(III) Deletion of Your Personal Information

You can delete your personal information in the following situations: 1. If we violate laws and regulations or our agreement with you in processing your personal information; 2. If you no longer use our products and/or services; 3. If our processing purposes have been achieved, cannot be achieved, or are no longer necessary for achieving the processing purposes; 4. If we stop providing products and/or services, or the storage period has expired; After you delete information from our products and/or services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but will delete this information when the backup is updated. Please be aware and understand that according to legal and regulatory requirements, if the statutory retention period has not expired or it is technically difficult to delete personal information, we will stop processing other than storage and take necessary security measures. You are aware and agree that if you stop using our products and/or services through account cancellation or other means, regardless of whether you agree separately, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or our agreement with you.

(IV) Change of Personal Information Processing Consent

You can change the scope of your authorization or consent for us to process personal information or withdraw your authorization or consent at any time by contacting us through the contact information specified in this policy or through other methods provided by us. We will respond to your request in a timely manner. After receiving your request, we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. We will respond within the time period specified by relevant laws and regulations or strive to respond within 30 days.

(V) Cancelation of Your Account

You can apply for canceling your account in the following situations: 1. If we violate laws and regulations or our agreement with you in processing your personal information; 2. If you no longer use our products and/or services; 3. If our processing purposes have been achieved, cannot be achieved, or are no longer necessary for achieving the processing purposes; 4. If we stop providing products and/or services; 5. If you withdraw your authorization or consent to us processing your personal information; 6. If other conditions for cancelation of your account occur. You can apply for cancelation of your account by contacting us through the contact information specified in this policy. We will respond within the time period specified by relevant laws and regulations or strive to respond within 30 days.

(VI) Obtaining a Copy of Your Personal Information

You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If you want to exercise the right to obtain a copy of your personal information, you can contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.

(VII) Processing Restriction of Your Personal Information

You have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal information in the following situations: 1. If you dispute the accuracy of your personal information; 2. If our processing is illegal, but you oppose the deletion of your personal information and request restriction of use instead; 3. If we no longer need your personal information for processing purposes, but you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims; If you want to exercise the right to restrict the processing of your personal information, you can contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.

(VIII) Lodging a Complaint

If you believe that our processing of your personal information violates laws and regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authorities in your country or region. Before lodging a complaint, we recommend that you first contact us through the contact information specified in this policy so that we can work with you to resolve the issue.

IX. Protection of Minors

We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your guardian to read this privacy policy carefully and use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your guardian. If you are a guardian of a minor and have questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.

X. Scope of Application

This privacy policy applies to all Xlens software and related services. At the same time, our products or services may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services, and third parties may collect information. In order to protect your personal information, we recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies of third parties to learn about their personal information processing rules. Our products or services may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services, and third parties may collect information. This privacy policy does not apply to the foregoing linked websites, products, or services. We do not assume any responsibility for the privacy practices of such third parties. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies of third parties to learn about their personal information processing rules.

XI. Update of This Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any substantial changes to this privacy policy through push notifications, emails, letters, or SMS. In cases where it is difficult to notify individually, we will use reasonable and effective methods to make announcements. We will also archive the original version of this privacy policy for your reference. Please visit our official website or check our products and services regularly for the latest information.

The latest update of this privacy policy: September 1, 2022

This privacy policy is an integral part of the Xlens Software Service Agreement. Any terms not defined in this privacy policy shall be subject to the Xlens Software Service Agreement.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this privacy policy, you can contact us through the contact information specified in this policy.
